Is WordPress No Longer Free? The Fact is Here!

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that has been widely used for creating websites and blogs. It has gained a reputation for being free and easy to use, making it a go-to choice for many individuals and businesses. However, recent developments have raised questions about the cost of using WordPress. In this blog post, we will explore whether WordPress is still free and what options are available for users. vs.

First, it’s important to understand the difference between and is the open-source software that powers self-hosted websites. It can be downloaded for free and installed on your own web hosting server. With, you have full control over your website and can customize it to your heart’s content.

On the other hand, is a hosting platform that offers a simplified version of WordPress. While it does provide a free plan, there are also paid plans available with additional features and customization options. This is where the confusion about the cost of WordPress arises.

The Cost of offers a free plan that allows you to create a basic website with a subdomain (e.g., However, there are limitations to the free plan, such as the inability to install custom themes and plugins. To unlock more features and customization options, you can upgrade to one of the paid plans offered by

The paid plans range from Personal, Premium, and Business, with varying prices and features. These plans offer benefits like a custom domain, advanced design options, e-commerce integration, and access to premium themes and plugins. The cost of these plans can range from a few dollars per month to a higher price for the Business plan.


If you want complete control over your website and avoid the limitations of, self-hosted is the way to go. While the software itself is free, you will need to pay for web hosting and a domain name. The cost of web hosting can vary depending on the provider and the features you require.

However, self-hosted offers numerous advantages. You have the freedom to install any theme or plugin, customize your website as you see fit, and even monetize it without any restrictions. This flexibility makes it a popular choice for businesses and individuals who want full control over their online presence.

Additional Costs to Consider

When considering the cost of using WordPress, it’s essential to factor in additional expenses that may arise. These can include premium themes and plugins, website maintenance, security measures, and professional help if needed. While these costs are not directly associated with WordPress itself, they are worth considering when budgeting for your website.


So, is WordPress no longer free? The answer is that it depends on the version you choose. remains free, but you will need to pay for web hosting and a domain name. offers a free plan, but there are limitations, and paid plans are available for more features and customization options.

Ultimately, the decision between and depends on your specific needs and budget. If you want complete control and flexibility, self-hosted is the way to go. If you prefer a simpler setup and don’t mind some limitations, may be a suitable choice.

Regardless of the version you choose, WordPress continues to be a powerful and versatile CMS that empowers millions of websites worldwide. Whether you opt for the free or paid options, WordPress remains a cost-effective solution for creating and managing your online presence.

Ibraheem Taofeeq Opeyemi

I am a hard-working and help individual who isn't afraid to face a challenge. I'm passionate about my work and I know how to get the job done. I would describe myself as an open, and honest person who doesn't believe in misleading other people, and tries to be fair in everything I do. I'm Blogger | Website Designer | Website Developer | Content Writer | SEO Expert | Graphics Designer | WordPress Expert

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